Friday, March 19, 2010

Confusing Commas

On the list of most common grammatical errors, misused commas rank right up there with misspellings and Mrs. Batchelder's rank perfume and hissing s.

(Sorry about that, I got a bit carried away. Every time I think about an English class I flash back to crazy old Mrs. Batchelder's high school English classroom. Then I throw up.)

So let's tackle commas in a way I hope will make sense.
First up: Serial commas

I prefer serial commas because they help reduce confusion. Serial commas are commas used after the next to last item in a list. Here's an example:

The patient complained of nausea, vomiting, and headache.

The comma after "vomiting" is a serial comma. You don't have to use one, but I do think they can be helpful in certain situations. So when in doubt, use it.
Next: Introductory phrases

Commas after an introductory phrase are rapidly losing their grip on us, and thank goodness. These are examples of introductory phrases:

  • After awhile

  • On the other hand

  • After the patient had gone to the bathroom

These phrases set up the rest of the sentence. Your English teacher probably smacked you upside the head if you didn't use a comma after an introductory phrase, but he had better not do that now unless you're writing for beginning readers. If you're writing for adults with a reading level over, say, the 10th grade, you needn't worry about sticking a comma after a beginning-of-the-sentence phrase. Use them only if leaving them out makes the sentence confusing, as in:

You know it seems odd that the window was left open like that.

The writer probably meant the sentence this way:

You know, it seems odd that the window was left open like that.

That kind of situation demands a comma.
Separating "sentences"

This is probably the toughest one for people to remember: When do you use a comma when you have what we call a complex sentence?

Generally if you have two complete sentences on either side of an and, but, or, nor, or any other what you wanna call yer conjunctions, use a comma. For instance, if we put these two sentences together…

Mr. Robinson knocked over the lamp.


I ran into the room to find out what happened…

We would use a comma, as in:

Mr. Robinson knocked over the lamp, and I ran into the room to find out what happened.

Here, though, you would NOT use a comma:

Mr. Robinson knocked over the lamp and yelled for help.

Why no comma? Because "yelled for help" isn't a complete sentence.

Okay, class, that's enough for today.


  1. You make many good points, but IMO lack of commas and overuse of fullstops are the two worst problems with English punctation today. I recommend to err on the side of one too many than one too little---for the simple reason that too many people use too few commas, thereby causing unnecessary ambiguities and making it harder for the reader to group words together.

    (As for the full-stops: Do not get me started.)

  2. Interesting. You might be identifying a difference between comma use the UK and here in the US. I find that many people here use commas willy nilly, putting them in the oddest places. As for full stops, what we call periods, how are they being overused? That's kind of hard to imagine. Are people using them as commas or instead of semi-colons?

  3. There may well be many incorrect uses commas: Schools tend not to teach punctation strictly, the ``baseline'' has changed over the years, and different languages (including different variations of English) have different rules---all in all, it is hard to be certain where a comma should or should not go. In my case, however, the lack of commas is more annoying, which could be explained by my having read more older than newer English literature. (The contrast between the average Victorian and the modern author, e.g., can be astonishing in this regard.)

    As for full stops. Periods, if you like. Many authors over-use them. They seem to know no other possibility to punctuate. And they split sentences semi-randomly. And do not write in full clauses. You get the point. I hope.

  4. Very interesting. Yes, I know full well the change in comma usage. Everytime I read an older book (I read Uncle Tom's Cabin recently) I'm struck by the plethora of commas and somewhat odd sentence structures. Thanks so much for your comments, and my apologies for thinking you were British. I meant no disrespect. ;-)

  5. Thank you for advocating the use of serial commas! I just think they look right.
